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Diffuser Collection – Scented Jewelry

How do you use essential oil on scented jewelry (Diffuser Collection)

It is not recommended to apply your favourite essential oil directly to the skin, essential oil must be diluted. You do this with a carrier oil, such as e.g., jojoba oil, almond oil or grapeseed oil. This way you reduce the risk of skin irritation.
But with our diffuser collection you can use essential oil pure and undiluted by applying it directly to your lava beads, which is easy due to the porous surface of the lava stones. Just add 1-2 drops of your favourite oil to each lava bead. Then you let the oil soak in for a few minutes before putting on your jewelry and you are good to go!

You will see that the stone which is grey (because the stones are unwaxed and untreated) will turn into a beautiful black. Our white Lava will become saturated and therefore a little bit ivory. Now your diffuser jewelry is ready to be worn!
Our diffuser Jewellery is the most requested from the collection thanks to the stylish appearance of the lava stones in combination with other gemstones or natural pearls (in contrast to the more common collections available on the current market). This gives the jewelry a more beautiful and refined look.

Essential oils are a great alternative if you want to replace perfume and reduce chemicals in your life!
Nevertheless, it is perfectly possible to add a drop of perfume to the lava beads instead of essential oil, the possibilities are endless.
Enjoy the scent of your favourite essential oil, while wearing your precious piece of jewelry.

What types of essential oils to use?
Essential oils can have other benefits in addition to the pleasant aroma, such as:
*Relaxing: Lavender – Rosemary – Sandalwood
*Anti-stress: Basil – Vetiver – Ylang Ylang
*Insect repellent: Peppermint – Eucalyptus – Citronella – Cedar
*Antiviral: Thyme – Tea Tree – Peppermint
*Stimulating (focus and concentration): Rosemary – Peppermint – Eucalyptus – Lemon
*Reducing fears: Jasmine – Patchouli
*Insomnia: Chamomile – Lavender – Neroli
*Sensual: Cardamom – Gardenia – Patchouli
*Confidence: Laurel – Violets
*Invigorating: Lime – Citronella – Grapefruit
*Good mood: Marjoram – Aniseed – Basil – Vanilla
*Mental resistance: Vetiver – Ravintsara
*Meditation: Frankincense – Bergamot
*Feeling of security: Ylang Ylang – Helichrysum
*Energetic: Ginger – black pepper
*Soothing: Jasmine – Mandarin – Bergamot – Roses
*Calming: Juniper – Chamomile – Cedar – Jasmine
*Spiritually Stimulating: Camphor – Thyme
And many other benefits…

Dive into the world of essential oils and find the right oil that suits you!

Diffuser Jewelry and essential oil




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